Thursday 12 May 2016


 Black cumin seeds 2 big spoons,Amchur powder(dry mango powder)2tblsp,ginger powder 1tblsp(or acco to your karam),black pepper 1tsp(acc to your karam you can add),Dry mint 1cup(wash clean and dry in shade for two or 3 days.moru moru nnu aaidum).chilli powder-very very little(or optional),ajwain(omam)1tsp,hing konjam,clove-oru 4 or 5.Rock salt,black salt and normal salt -yellam konjam konjam (or to taste).Roast all the a dry pan until nice aroma comes(with out salt).Let it cool.Grind in mixture to very very fine powder with salt..Keep it in air tight container.our powder is according to oue requirement we can add this with water and add little jaggery powder and lemon juice.Garnish with kara Boondi and enjoy.

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