Thursday 12 May 2016


 Ginger finely chopped – 1 cup Green Chillies - 8 nos Tamarind (preferably old tamarind) – 2 balls lemon size, Mustard seeds- 2 tsp Channa Dal – 2 tsp Curry leaves Hing – 2 tsp, Turmeric pd - 2 tsp Jaggery – ½ cup , oil – 4tblsp
Method : Soak the Tamarind in water and get a thick paste. Finely chop the ginger and green chillies.
In a pan pour oil add the Mustard seeds, Channa dal – let it become light brown, to this add the Ginger and Green chillies, fry for 2 mins, now add the turmeric pd and fry for 1 min more. Now pour the Tamarind paste to this. Add required salt and mix well and close the lid and let it boil for 5 mins as the mixture will flutter a lot.
Let the tamarind boil till the raw smells goes and it reduces a little to form a semi solid paste. At this stage add the jaggery this will loosen the mixture.Continue to boil . You will get a shining texture because of the jaggery, add at this stage add the Hing and curry leaves and mix well . You will see that the oil which we had poured would have come to the sides of the mixture in the pan. This means the mixture is cooked well. Remove from heat . Let it cool and transfer it to a air tight bottle. Can be kept outside for 4-5 days. If making larger quantities - keep a larger portion in fridge and remove for daily use in a small container.

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