Thursday 12 May 2016

secret of my glowing skin drink

Lemon: 2 big
Amla(Nellikai): 1 big
Kiwi: 1 medium size
Powdered Rock Salt: As needed
Pepper Powder(white or black): Pinch
Chilled Water: 1/2ltr
Ice-Cubes: Few
Wash and peel the Skin from Kiwi and cut into desired shapes.
Cut 1 Lemon without peeling the skin and de-seed.
Cut the Amla and de-seed it too.
Now take chilled water and squeeze 1 lemon to it.
Then drop in all the chopped Lemon, Amla and Kiwi to it.
While serving add Ice-Cubes, required Powdered Rock Salt and Pepper.
Pour the drink in a bottle and let the Lemon, Amla and Kiwi infuse it's flavour in the water and the store it in fridge, drink when you feel like to.
PS: Keep the drink outside from the Fridge before drinking.

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